Climate 200
Does Deb Leonard receive Climate 200 funding ?
Deb has received some funding from Climate 200, but most of her funding has come from community donations. All her donations are disclosed on her website in real time. We would love if you could donate to help as well!
We are really pleased to received Climate 200 funding, because not only does it help us against the millions of dollars the major parties spend on campaigns, but it also shows that Climate 200 thinks Deb can win! Climate 200 have chosen only to back about 9 new seats that they saw as serious contenders for this election, and Monash was one of them!
They don’t have any say or influence over Deb’s policies – Deb is out listening to the community and forming policies based on feedback from people like you. It’s a very transparent process, and you will be able to see on her website the results of all the feedback she’s received (including yours!).